Wednesday, January 21, 2009

Happy, because kids matter

Sasha and Malia’s Big Night - The Caucus Blog -

And the very best part? At the end of the hunt, the girls opened a door and found the members of their favorite musical group, the Jonas Brothers, waiting for them.

That's kind of awesome. All kinds of awesome, really.

And as much as people are saying that they aren't losing their father, they are...he belongs to all of us now, a father to the country.

I don't think that I could vote for a candidate that didn't have children. Not knowing that fear, and those joys, that accompany parenting limits the ability of someone to lead, to nurture, to protect and to understand what a large majority of the American public goes through.

I am all for those who want to be childless (or child free) but...again...don't think I could vote for them.

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