Tuesday, October 23, 2012

Interesting Things

I do not want to talk about the debate. I know that you do not care what I have to say, and I think the majority of us have made up our minds but...and I, one who likes to be incendiary, am a little upset about one little thing. From Ann Coulter:

Now, I know people (allegedly intelligent) who are happy to use that word. However, if you use the word "gay" to describe something unsuitablity, they become upset. I expect things like this from Coulter at this point, but...it is an unacceptable word. Name calling is always unacceptable, actually. It is childish and is behavior that I try not to engage in on a personal level. (Mediaite)

Does a show about zombies need...fewer zombies? (Spoilers in the post) It is a curious question, as the show, "The Walking Dead", is about the aftermath of a zombie apocalypse however (and I have written this so many times I feel like I should have a macro) zombie fiction is about the capacity for inhumanity from man towards man and rarely about the terror of the unwashed mob. That being said, would TWD be better served by less zombies and more Rick and Lori time? Think about that for a bit...I'll wait. You thought about it, didn't you? Yeah, I agree with you. (Vulture)

While we are on the topic of monsters (Ann Coulter to zombies...you know that there is a theme here, right?), Monster Energy Drinks will kill you. (Or they may kill you...)Is there anything else to say about this?(Gawker)

And then there is this: Classic Fairy Tales Retold for Twenty-somethings(See the tumblr)
Little Red Riding Hood was getting hit on by some wolf at the bar. She kept her beer close to her, and politely brushed the guy away.

“Are you okay?” asked the huntsman who approached her next.

“Ugh,” she said, rolling her eyes. “Can’t a girl just go out for a drink and be left alone?”

And speaking of monster, fairy tales, and things that will kill you:
Jenny McCarthy to infect Chicago.
"Splash, a style magazine in Chicago, is reporting that they’ve hired Jenny McCarthy to be their new daily blogger.
Yes, you read that right. But it gets better. And by better, I mean worse.
Besides a daily blog, she’s being given a weekly advice column called "Ask Jenny", where, among other things, she will "tackle parenting"."


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