Tuesday, November 30, 2010

The one where I admit that...

I love Hall & Oates.

The funny thing is that I had this song stuck in my head while I was on a conference call this morning and it may have been hummed (thank Glenn Beck for the mute button!).

In other news...

Slate has a wonderful piece (from n+1) about MFA literary culture versus NYC literary culture.

In all the weirdness surrounding the WikiLeaks brouhahah, some stories have been missed...like this one about an Iranian American dentist and an escape. For the record, I am not going to talk about this any more unless something groundbreaking comes out, because I disagree with a number of people whom I respect and I would rather not be seen as taunting them. I will say that I think this may be the shift in the way information if treated and seen by the chattering classes, even if it takes twenty years to figure that out.

On this topic, Lawrence O'Donnell interviewed President Carter on The Last Word on Monday evening and it was interesting to see how Carter took it. He did admit that it was the right of a former President to not react so strongly to things.

On another topic entirely, yesterday, I posted that I wanted that sport coat (and I was told it was hideous) and later in the day, I mailed this to a couple of different friends. The person who hated the blazed liked it but insinuated that I was six inches too short to pull it off (or, in hindsight, maybe she was calling me fat) but another fashion forward friend said that she loved it and I could rock it. So, crowd, what do you think?


  1. 1) I for one would not mind if you posted more of your thoughts on Wikileaks. I totally disagree with you (which you know) but you heard me out yesterday so I'd do the same. Then again, maybe we should discuss over beer.

    2) The BB blazer is so awful, it's as if horrible and terrible got drunk one night and this awful blazer was the result. Words cannot express how truly ugly this creation is.

    3) I vote no on the soft blazer. It's just odd.

  2. Oh, and I LOVE Hall and Oates. Always have, always will.

  3. FAU, the blue eyed soul of Hall & Oates is timeless.

    I am working something up but it is difficult to say it without coming across as an anarchist.

    The sport coast is AWESOME as is the soft jacket.

  4. I like the soft blazer a lot, but it may not be right for you...my experience with soft/very desconstructed blazers is that they need to fit very well to look good and that unfortunately they usually only do so on persons who are tall and thin, or have a waifish build (any sort of bulk - muscle, fat, or other - tends to make them bulge too much). I don't know if you can pull of a high chest, but it usually looks suboptimal on me, but then again I was Gimli's stunt double on Lord of the Rings. As much as I love my compadres at GK, I think you'd be better off with something with a bit more structure to it; perhaps a thicker shawl collared cardigan or somesuch.

    Re: the BB blazer, unless you're going yachting in a Winslow Homer painting (or possibly jumping through a sidewalk chalk drawing with Mary Poppins) I don't think you should get it, even though your WASP credentials far outweigh mine. I'm not necessary opposed to (limited use of) that type of blazer, but I think there are much better examples of the style.

  5. @Matthew So, like others, you are saying I am too short and fat for the soft blazer. I will heed the wisdom of the crowds.

    As to the GB/BB sport coat, I was thinking of making it into something like an everyday blazer...good with jeans, et cetera.

  6. I'm in no position to call anyone short - at least you don't routinely get asked to stand on people's lawns wearing a jockey hat and holding a lamp...

  7. The reason I am not asked to be a lawn jockey is my Irish/German heritage.

    You've seen my feet, I need to return to the Shire.


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