Tuesday, October 13, 2009

Food Thing - Pumpkin Soup

I will admit to not being a huge fan of pumpkin. Pumpkin beer has a tendency to be over spiced and sweet in a cloying way (like an Alan Thicke sitcom). Pumpkin pie is good but never something I would go out of my way to have...ditto with doughnuts, et cetera...a squash is a squash is a squash and I am not what is called a "squash person" (with the execption of the time that PBE made an entire meal out of various squashes)

That being said, the pumpkin soup at Wolff's Biergarten is wondeful!

It is sweet, spicy, smokey and has just enough salt to enhance every flavor.

I strongly suggest that you take the time to try it.

Thanks to AEP for joining me for lunch.


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