Friday, April 3, 2009

Iowa, My Iowa

At 10:55 or so, I saw a post that came up and I was forced to call one of my best friends.  However, because I was excited, I forgot that it was still before 8:00 am in Seattle (where she is)...I did quickly hang up...she called me back and when I explained what was up, she stated that it was a good time to call for news like this.

What is the news?

The Iowa Supreme Court has overturned the definition of marriage as one man and one woman (Des Moines Register), stating that is was unconstitutional.  Iowa.

Gawker was impressed enough that it ran it under the header of "No, Really." while Wonkette tagged it under "Insanity"  Ben Smith, at Politico (and formerly a man about Albany) parsed the decision for us, and some of the passages he highlights are...interesting at the very least.  As ever, Balk had an opinion.

Why is this a big deal for me?

I am not a) gay or b) looking to ever get married again.

This is a human rights issue, and my generations version of the Civil Rights Movement.  That being said...



The heart of flyover country?

New York cannot get it done, but Iowa can.

Iowa is a state that I once spent three hours driving around looking for a copy of the New York Times.


The "Field of Dreams" state?


Not that I am not happy for everyone in Iowa who will now be allowed to understand what the pain and humiliation of a divorce is really like, but...New York got beat by Iowa.

I really hate Malcolm Smith right now.  (As FAU quoted me when he guest blogged for me.)

You can download the Full Opinion (PDF)

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