Thursday, April 2, 2009

Asking the masses...

What do you think is fundamentally wrong with me?


I used to pride myself on knowing what my flaws were and what I could do to change them, or ignoring them, and now...I don't I am pinging the masses for this information.


  1. Look at that! You received no comments. I guess there are a lot of people who feel you have no flaws, or, they just do not care about your flaws. What is a self deprecating boy to do?!

  2. Oh, I think we are all well aware of my flaws.

    I can outline them.

    1) I am surly most of the time.
    2) I am completely unmotivated to do things unless I am interested in the subject.
    3) I make really bad choices when it comes to relationships.
    4) I am not nearly as self knowledgeable as I should be.

  3. Constructive!

    No, seriously...I put a question out there and...snark and disdain through the veil of anonymity is what I get back.


    Well done, even.

  4. I, personally, already shared my thoughts on the topic...we are all perfectly imperfect as humans. But, to add to my "Heh":
    1)Surly 50% of the time btw, so half, not most. Work on it if you feel it is a flaw...more green M&M's in your life maybe?!
    2)Aren't we all?!
    3)Agreed, but it is a learning process. We all have made bad relationship choices.
    4)Again, not too many people are.

  5. I'm not anonymous...thank you. I just do not have a blog identity. I'll change that for you. And, I told you what I thought, I just thought it is funny that nobody else commented. Additionally, that "Heh" was a playback on you.


Be nice. Sign your name.