Thursday, January 29, 2009

Evil Hacker

Ex-Fannie Mae employee accused of planting computer time bomb - Network World:

"A computer-engineering employee fired from troubled mortgage giant Fannie Mae is accused of preparing a malware computer time bomb, which had it not been detected, might have destroyed millions of files, according to reports.

Rajendrasinh Makwana, the computer contract employee in question, was indicted earlier this week on computer intrusion charges, according to the 'DC Examiner' report citing court documents. Makwana, said to be an Indian citizen and former contract employee at Fannie Mae for three years, was terminated Oct. 24 for changing computer settings without permission from his employer and allegedly hiding malware code in a server that was programmed to become active Jan. 31."

So...Fannie would need to be bailed out?

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