Monday, January 12, 2009

Media in a number of forms (Links in lieu of an actual post.)

  1. In honor of the end of Battlestar Galactica, I spent a good percentage of my weekend, watching season 4.0 (and debating whether of not to open the Kara Thrace dog tags), reading Battlestar Galactica and Philosophy and snuggling with my dog. I did go out for a bit on Saturday night

  2. .

  3. The continuing saga of who actually owns the rights to distribute "Watchmen" is being covered by Defamer in their wonderfully snarky way.
  4. Some days, Modest Mouse seems like a good idea. Today was one of those days. I do not know what I was thinking.
  5. The Cardinals are in the NFC Championship Game and the NY Football Giants are not. Black is white, up is down, and the Italians can make a well made mass produced car.

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