Monday, March 2, 2009

The New Yorker Reviews Watchmen

Dark Visions: The Current Cinema: The New Yorker:

"The world of the graphic novel is a curious one. For every masterwork, such as “Persepolis” or “Maus,” there seem to be shelves of cod mythology and rainy dystopias, patrolled by rock-jawed heroes and their melon-breasted sidekicks. Fans of the stuff are masonically loyal, prickling with a defensiveness and an ardor that not even Wagnerians can match."

Worth the read for the prose alone.

1 comment:

  1. FTA: "Incoherent, overblown, and grimy with misogyny, “Watchmen” marks the final demolition of the comic strip, and it leaves you wondering: where did the comedy go?"

    In terms of what Moore and Gibbons intended to convey through the series, does this mean the pic is a rousing success?


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