Tuesday, March 24, 2009

Step aside children

FAU here, guest blogging for A Mistake who is still on hiatus. 

Your regular blogger sent me this post along with a note about his frustrations with our Governor. I have to say that I agree whole heartily. 

After his initial "good will" wore off, Gov. Paterson has shown himself to be dysfunctional both as a leader and as a human being. His cannot seem to steer the ship of state in any direction (let alone the right one) and he is aided in this aimless quest by his old colleague, State Senate Majority Leader Malcolm Smith

Sen. Smith is ineffective at best and a liar at worst. A Mistake considers him to be "a deceitful bastard with no common sense who is only using the GLBT crowd as an ATM" (his words not mine). Indeed Smith quickly backed down from supporting gay marriage in New York after being unable to keep support within his own party and choose power over doing the right thing (namely calling the "gang of three" on their bluff, letting them go and moving on).

So in these times of financial upheaval, the responsibility to run the third largest state economy in the U.S. falls on Assembly Speaker Sheldon Silver. Now that might be OK, but for the fact that Patterson and Smith insist that yes, they actually DO have power and they want to exert it. So we are left with Three Men in a Room who can't agree and a growing budget gap that gets bigger by the day (thanks to All Over Albany for the last two links).

And now we may have state employee layoffs which will be extremely problematic for the Albany economy.

Great. I just want to call Patterson and Smith to say "can you please step aside and let the adults run this state?" 

Sigh. It is an embarrassment how New York is being run. When does our next Governor get sworn in?

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