Tuesday, April 14, 2009

iPod Update

Last night, my housemate P. and I went to the Hill Street Cafe (which is my neighborhood bar and proof that G*d loves us.) for some of their wonderful steak fries and just to hang out, as I have been a bit of a...dick...as of late, moody, miserable, and fairly awful and I owed her an explanation why.

Around nine, we were returning home (honestly, it is a thirty second walk) and I saw a couple of my neighbors who I haven't really spoken to and I asked..."You haven't seen an iPod with a Batman skin have you?"

"I haven't, but there was a message on the neighborhood list-serv.  One of my friend's daughters found it."

I was very happy that I may have a lead on my iPod...but...my neighborhood a) has a list-serv and b) I have lived in the neighborhood for eighteen months and I know nothing about this?


Hopefully, I will have my iPod back...and life will be good.

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