Monday, May 11, 2009

Catching Up

I took the last week or so off from the interwebs (however not from following the news obsessively) and there are a few things that I am curious about...very curious about...

The explosion of SSM in New England doesn't surprise me as...well...let us be honest with each other.  There is something about the character of New England that while prim, proper, and hard working, respects the individual rights of every man, woman, or child to make reasonably different choices.  This belief, peculiar to New England, is that you can't stop a damned fool from making damned foolish choices.

Not that I am saying that marriage is a foolish choice (though, often it is; people get married for the wrong reasons), however, the flinty New England character lends itself to not caring (in the immortal words of Michael Stipe to Tabitha Soren [who is now married to Michael Lewis, go figure]), "It's none of your business what I am doing with my dick unless you are sitting on my lap."

FAU is hopeful for New York, yet expecting disappointment.  I am less than hopeful for New York.  I am more hopeful that in New Hampshire, the Governor will not veto, yet not sign and allow it to pass without his signature.

So, most of New England will have SSM by the end of the week, and New York will be...out in the cold.

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