Sunday, July 5, 2009

Who is the Best?

I was forced to spend time with friends of my housemate yesterday...

These people had just gotten engaged which is a topic that I am uncomfortable with (to say the least) and talking about marriage and weddings and things like that.

It got me thinking about weddings, and particularly the concept of Groom's men.

The Best Man?


What kind of honorific is that?

Is he really the best?

Most of the people I know (or have heard of) in that role have a tendency to be douchier than I am and that is quite a bit douchey.

I humbly propose that henceforth, they are no longer called Best Man but slightly less douchey guy than who I could have chosen.

1 comment:

  1. Hey, I was a Best Man, and I did a damn good job IMHO. And your Best Man is a really good guy.

    I think you are reacting to the stereotype of the Best Man more than the reality.

    Still, the term is antiquated. How about "Good Man who better not mention that crazy thing we did in Vegas during his speech".


Be nice. Sign your name.