Sunday, December 27, 2009

Things that should never be said

I meant someone about two weeks ago...someone whom I never had to meet but the way it happened, it just did.

Anyway, upon meeting this person, they told me, "I have heard so much about you."

Considering who they were getting this information from, I had to reply, "Please don't believe any of it," or something equally trite.

The phrase "I have heard so much about you" has been somewhere in the forefront of my mind for weeks now.

Could he have heard that I was called a "monster"?

Could it be that I am completely non-functional these days?

What could it mean? an object lesson...please refrain from uttering that phrase or I will be forced to ask what exactly you have heard in excruciating and situationally uncomfortable detail.

1 comment:

  1. I've only mentioned to one other person that I met you (because we have mutual friends) and the only thing I said, verbatim, was, "I met so and so the other day. He's a really nice person."

    unquote. So, nothing but kind words here. :)


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