Tuesday, January 26, 2010

What the f*** are they thinking?

If you grew up in the greater Albany area, over have ever spent any amount of time here, it is fairly likely that you have been to (or at least have seen) the Empire State Performing Arts Center, also known as the Egg...

Even if you haven't been to Albany, at some point, in college, you heard TMBG's The Egg.

Now those clowns in the Statehouse are going to...what?  Cut off funding for this...this...wonderful space. 

Now, these assholes can spend weeks debating nothing in Special Sessions costing the tax payers hundreds of thousands of dollars...they can spend weeks in hearings about douchebag members who cut their girlfriends up....these awful men and women are attempting to screw Albany any way they can...they cost Albany thousands of dollars a year in ethics violations....

And now this...

They killed SSM and now they are trying to kill the arts in Albany...

Bravo, douchebags...you realize that there are elections in November,  right?  You realize that all of your are going to be primaried, right?

And most of you, hopefully all of you, are going to lose...

Good luck.

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