Monday, February 8, 2010

Wasting Time

I can't believe that I am wasting a Saturday to go see this.

First of all, I don't like Harry Potter at all.

Secondly, Boston in February isn't my idea of a good time.

That being said, it is something that my family wants to do...and sometimes you do things for family that you would never do otherwise.


  1. I don't blame you. It's not like they are even trying to make it science like, by doing "The Science Behind Harry Potter" (not that there really is science behind it, it's a fraking book.

  2. Dan, it is an awful series of books is all about magic.

    And it is 150 miles away...

    But TEA wants to go, as well as my nephew, brother & mother.




    TEA will be very happy, so it will be all worth it!

  3. You know I hate Boston and I agree that this trip sounds about as appealing as being David Patterson right now, but do everyone a favor and hold back on the the grumbling and snark when you are there.

  4. FAU, you know when it comes to TEA that I can hide my annoyance for...well...ever.

  5. I've never read the book, have no desire to ever. And I like Fantasy books (well some). I tried to watch the first movie and feel asleep 30 minutes into it.

    The only redeeming factor is you are spending time with your son, nephew, etc. and that he will enjoy it. So like you said, that right there makes it worth it.

  6. Agree, the time with the family will be good, even if it will be in "assachusetts".

    And for the record, I was not worried about you being snarky in front of TEA, I was more thinking of your Mom and your sister.


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