Monday, April 26, 2010

It's a Saab Thing

"If the 99 established Saab as a thoroughly modern car manufacturer, with its four-stroke engine and aerodynamic shape, it was the 1978 99 Turbo that cemented the brand's image as a builder of performance cars. Sure, a small contingent of Scandinavian rally kings could drive those smoky early Saabs to motorsports fame, but to the common public Saabs were just perceived as awkward little novelties. The 99 Turbo put the small Swedish builder on the radar for good."

FAU and I were talking about cars, and repairs, and a number of other things, and he pointed out that Saab owners are crazy...about their cars.

This is a very good article about the first American Saabs.

Saab 99 Turbo: The Car That Made Trollh�ttan Great - Saab 99 - Jalopnik

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