Sunday, August 8, 2010

A Question for the Women

There are a lot of movies that are identified as "chick flicks" by guys so...

Ladies, or women, what are the movies you identify as being "guy films"?


  1. Any movie that involves guns and/or something blowing up.

  2. I was looking more to specifically films...

    Like "Field of Dreams" or "Bull Durham"

  3. I really don't think about movies along gender lines. Really.

    Trust me, I understand that some art will appeal more to one gender than other. However, the line is (as it *should* be) blurred. And since terms like "chick flick" are pejorative, they require someone (usually a guy) to defend why they enjoyed movie that many think shouldn't appeal to their gender.

    Movies appeal to me for many reasons. As long as the writing/acting/directing is good, I'm happy. A "good" movie for me might contain explosions or a love story (or both). As for chick-flicks or guy films? I'll let other people put movies into tiny boxes--just give me a good movie and I'll be happy.

  4. OK, I know you are looking for titles... But I have to say: Jackie Chan movies and westerns. Those are guy movies.

    Showgirls? Even WITH the Bayside High connection...

    Hoosiers. Somehow, my family got this on VHS from McDonalds, in the '80s, along with Mr. Mom and Michael Jordan's Playground. Sports movies? Eh.

    Most movies I don't hate based on my gender, it's because I am a negative person. But those are my offerings.

  5. I agree w/Lemon, as I myself am generally willing to sit and watch most anything. If I do not like it, it will be made known quickly. There are however a few titles I feel every man in my life has seen numerous times, or they own, and it is because of them I was prompted to watch. Anonymous titles are 2 of them: "Field of Dreams" & "Bull Durham". The other 3 big ones that come to mind are: "The Matrix", "Fargo", & "The Big Lebowski".


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