Tuesday, June 21, 2011

The Best Father's Day Gift

I have a handful of films that I love:

Casablanca (which I have two copies of on DVD)
Lost in Translation
The Great Escape
The Big Chill
The Magnificent Seven
The Eternal Sunshine of the Spotless Mind
The Searchers

There is one film that I love that I have never found on a shelf as a DVD.

However, on Saturday, while TEA and I were picking up a birthday gift for one of his friends, I found the one that I was missing...

Bob Roberts

The best part about this? It was $1.97 at FYE.

Why do I love this film?

Apart from the line, "Don't do crack, it's a ghetto drug,"?

If you have ever watched it, you know. For those of you who have not had the chance to partake in this brilliant satire, or forget that it was made in 1992 before the VRWC really entrenched themselves as power brokers giving marching orders through media control and manipulation, it is a documentary style film about a fictional Senate race in Pennsylvania between a Kennedy-esque "Lion of the Senate" Democrat and a folk singing Wall Street banker running as a Republican.

The folk singing is the best part.

The cover of Complain by the Vandals allows you to hear the lyrics much better.

Want to see these lyrics? (Of course you do!)

(lyrics via Sing365.com)
Some people must have.
Some people have not.
But they’ll complain and complain and complain and complain and complain.

Some people will work.
Some simply will not.
But they’ll complain and complain and complain and complain and complain.

Like this: It’s society’s fault I don’t have a job.
It’s society’s fault I am a slob.
I have potential no one can see.
Give me welfare. Let me be me!

Hey, Bud, you’re livin’ in the Land of the Free.
No one’s gonna hand you opportunity!

Some people must have.
Some never will.
But they’ll complain and complain and complain and complain and complain.

I don’t have a house. I don’t have a car.
I spend all my money getting’ drunk in a bar.
I wanna be rich. I don’t have a brain.
Just give me a handout while I complain.

Or this: I wanna stay in bed and watch TV.
Go out weekends in a limousine
And dance all night takin’ lots of drugs
And wake up when I wanna.

Hey, Bud, you’re livin’ in the Land of the Free.
No one’s gonna hand you opportunity!

Some people will learn.
Some never do.
But they’ll complain and complain and complain and complain and complain.
Yeah, they’ll complain and complain and complain and complain and complain.

And then there is this...

The Wall Street Rap:

Classic satire...reframing an iconic video but totally changing the meaning. How great is this? How prescient was this film?

If you are still not convinced, here is the trailer from 1992. (Look for Jack Black)

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