Sunday, October 9, 2011


•I bought a mountain lion for the purposes of meat. He became a pet. When I went to butcher him, he woke up and went off to nurse his wounds.
•HJ77 and I were running away from a group of Nazis. HJ77 was shot in the head and I had bits of her brain in my mouth. I had to leave her behind.

This Morning:
•I was working in a brothel (apparently brothels need IT support as well pay well enough for me to pay several times a day for *cough* services *cough*) and when someone I know decided to work there, she told me that "(it) was the only honest work that (she) was willing to do".
•TEA & I were walking through Jackson's Garden and we were harassed by someone. As we were leaving the garden, I realized who was harassing us. Violence ensued. (FAU, ask me who it was. You will laugh.)

I have no clue why my dreams were this vivid and weird.

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