Thursday, December 1, 2011

Yes, but is it art?

(Apologies to Paige, who has her "Is it art?" project, but I did love the title.)

Last weekend, HJ77 and I went to the RISD Museum of Art.

While there, we saw this:

The final resting place of a Roman slave named Delicatus Saturnina.

This upset me, much like mummies, sarcophagi, and other funerary artifacts bother me. Why?

Because they do not belong in museums. These are sacred objects and to put them on display as "works of art" or "works of note" is profane.

Some people, like HJ77, have told me that "at least these people are remembered".

No, they aren't Look at the exhibit description. You have to go looking for the name of the deceased. The name should be featured, not buried. The dead deserve better.

Ask yourself, does your museum have the relics of the dead on display? Do they belong there?

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