Thursday, February 23, 2012

Things that I love

(In no particular order)

Top Chef - I have given up on most reality television (Okay, I may have been sucked in to Dance Moms the other night but it will not be a thing.) but Top Chef drags me in like a Sarlacc (Yes, I have a dislike of that particular pop culture universe but...sometimes the analogy is an apt one, and it will make some of you laugh...I hope.) and I stay there. Part of it is the personalities, part of it is the food, and part of it is Padma. I am not looking forward to this season ending.

All Over Albany - Every time I am on this site, I see something that makes me laugh, makes me think, or both. Occasionally, something makes me angry, which is a goodness as well. I love the community that exists on this site and that even the contentious of fights seems like a loving if unstable family Thanksgiving.

New Books - I have been reading a lot lately (across genres) and the fascinating thing is that even bad books (poor realized plots or characters, or the genre novel that tries too damn hard to be something that it is not, even the first attempt at the Great American Novel) have great things to offer. The contributions to the circus of ideas that are put forth show that these people all have talent that may be misdirected. Yes, even Among The Living.

Laundry - Everyone has a chore that they enjoy and mine is laundry. I love laundry. I like the folding of the clothes. I get excited about the dryer sheets. Laundry rings my bell. Laundry gets my motor running. Laundry is awesome. (Your millage may vary.)

Walking & Podcasts: I love podcasts and I love walking. (By the way, RunKeeper is amazing and it helps with goals and metrics.) Together, they are like peas and carrots, or chocolate and peanut butter, or something you like coupled with something you like. It would be a little better if I had a dog. Maybe some day.

*Needless to say, I love and adore my friends (old and new, the ones I talk every day with and the ones that have slipped away but are still at the front of my mind), my family (who are amazing people that drive me insane while putting up with my insanity), and my son, TEA, who is my favorite person on the planet and an amazing young man.

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