Friday, May 18, 2012

Thank Me It's Friday

(not claiming any more divinity than usual as I am making more of a reference to the Batman Begins scene where he demands that the dirty cop "swear to me"...)

• Yes, it is Friday. Are you thanking your creator because They allowed you to see the sunrise, They did not destroy the world, or because you are completely banal?

• It is a gorgeous day in the Northeast and you should plan to spend the evening out of doors. I will be at one of TEA's baseball games and I am really looking forward to it. Teacher Dave gave him a pitching lesson the other day and it has improved his velocity as well as his accuracy.

• I need to pick up summer clothes for TEA and he has told me that his favorite color is aqua. I should ignore that impulse of his because unless you are a Miami Dolphin, aqua does not age well in photos.

• If you are in Troy, The Ruck is given over to the beers of Dogfish Head Brewery. Their beers are very tasty and they have great pub food. (And during the day, you are going to be less likely to run into the young people and the people who give Troy a bad reputation.)

• Oh, I went to the Planning Commission meeting in the City of Troy last night. There will be more on this later. I am torn on an emotional level about the McDonald's discussion but intellectually, come on...

• Finally, TEA still thinks that the pizza at the Hill Street Cafe is great.

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