Thursday, June 7, 2012

And this is where I laugh at the people who vote for...

the Times Union Best Of Poll.

I have not one problem with RPI being on this list but f*****g SUNYA and Siena. I mean both are good enough schools (though I would be unhappy if my son attended either of them) but Skidmore, Union, RPI come to mind quickly and let us not forget that WILLIAMS is in the area too...


  1. meh... the TU's opening says it all "this category can be tricky because some schools have a veritable army of alumni."

    They should call a spade a spade, and rename their list "Capital Region's Popularity Contest" as it is no better/more accurate at producing a true, trustworthy "Best of" list than a good old deplorable high school popularity contest!

  2. AGREED AGREED AGREED!!! I would say Union, Skidmore, RPI, but one could argue for shuffling that. If we're counting Williams as part of the area, then they're the best, and there are no arguments that could convince me otherwise.


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