Wednesday, July 11, 2012

The Great American Post

Reggie Jackson believes that A-Rod does not belong in the Hall of Fame because of his use of PEDs in the past. I have said this before, and I will state it again because it matters. If you are going to discount the records and statistics of the previous generation of ball players because of PEDs, you need to asterisk the accomplishments of men with the names of Mantle, Mays, and Aaron because their careers were helped by things like Tylenol.

I have a favorite beer this summer, as I generally do. This beer is the Leder Betty by Magic Hat.

Even people who are beer snobs (*cough* @sfisher323 *cough*) like this beer. The elderberry is an underutilized flavor and this is really good.

I love curry but I never thought of using curry with beef however, I have fond that over a grill, with a good amount of woodsmoke, a Madras curry lends itself really well to the beef.

See, just a little bit of curry adds so much flavor and it is a good flavor. (well, why would I be writing about it if it wasn't a good flavor?)

With some fresh corn and a slice of red onion (olive oil, salt, black pepper), and the aforementioned Elder Betty, it is quite a meal.

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