Wednesday, November 12, 2008

The Future of Nate Silver

Earlier in the week, Gawker explained how Nate Silver could rule the world based on his success with

2. Follow the money: Statistics show (never gets old) that corporate America has all the money. Baseball fans and political junkies are fine people, but they're not the ones holding an extravagant portion of the world's wealth in their dessicated, greedy hands. In order to have a long-term career you're going to have to do something that appeals to the corporate types. Luckily, they love numbers too!

Today, Deadspin (another of Nick Denton's Gawker Media properties) is commenting on rumors that ESPN may be interested in buying Baseball Prospectus...

It's been no secret that ESPN (and many other media outlets) have courted BP in the past, as adding its unique brand of number-crunching and reportage would definitely give all of its properties some sabermetric street cred.

Deadspin does comment that this rumor is probably DOA (or to use their phrase..."ESPN wouldn't directly comment either, but did insinuate that the person talking about such a meeting with Silver was entirely full of shit."

So...I ask...what is Nate Silver to do next?

And...does he deserve a seat at the table with the Obama people? Could be the leftist version of Karl Rove? (See me or Wonkette)

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