Wednesday, February 18, 2009

That's Racist!

New York Post: Racist Cartoon Makes for Rough Day at Page Six

I know that those of you who read on the East Coast will be familiar with could you have missed it, honestly, but there are those who read on the West Coast (shout out to Dan!) and FAU is still in SA, so...he may not be aware...

Anyway...part of me thinks that this is a tempest in a teapot, because no one could be that insensitive, right?

1 comment:

  1. See they should have just used a caveman... In the context of the lady that was attacked by a Chimp I can understand what the comic was doing. But if you take it out of that context I can see how someone might think of it as racist.

    But honestly I think it's much ado about nothing. It's sometimes just as racist to automatically think things are racist as it is to be racist. If that makes any sense.


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