Thursday, February 19, 2009

Unliterate is not illiterate

Commentary: Literary Death Spiral? The Fading Book Section : NPR:

"One of the sad, little sidebars to the sad, big saga of the waning of American newspapers is the disappearance of professional, edited book sections.

One of the last two major, stand-alone print book sections died this past Sunday, when The Washington Post published its last edition of Book World. The paper will still review books, but only The New York Times and the San Francisco Chronicle will continue to run a full mini-magazine devoted to books."

This makes me sad. For a number of reasons, but most importantly, as a culture, we have stopped reading. There are some wonderful books out there. New ones being published every day, yet, I can point to a handful of friends who actually, you know, read.

I weep, once again, for the next generation.

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