Wednesday, March 18, 2009

The Battle for the Soul of Upstate

AIG Controversy Enters N.Y. Campaign -

"Tuesday, the Republican candidate, Jim Tedisco, who is the minority leader in the state assembly, issued a press release saying his Democratic opponent, businessman Scott Murphy, 'endorses AIG bonuses.' Tedisco's logic: the AIG bonuses were specifically protected in language in the recently passed federal stimulus package.

Murphy has said he would have voted for the stimulus bill, which would benefit projects in upstate New York, and he has been hammering Tedisco for weeks for refusing to take a position. Monday, Tedisco did take a stand, saying he would have opposed it, like all the other House Republicans.

'Scott Murphy didn't read the stimulus bill,' Tedisco said Monday in an e-mailed statement. 'Nobody in Congress did. Yet Scott Murphy supported the legislation, including provisions allowing AIG to hand out $165 million in bonuses to executives.'"

Can't this special election be over, like, yesterday?

One seat isn't going to make a difference, and...well...gerrymandered away as soon as the census happens.

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