Tuesday, March 17, 2009


Wonkette : Important Special Election For Republicans Being Ruined By Republicans:

"Tedisco is now trying to get in control of his own campaign, while the Republican National Committee, the National Republican Congressional Committee and wingnut PACs such as the National Republican Trust all run their own variations of Tedisco’s campaign, to make sure he loses."

I have said it before and I will say it again, I like Jim Tedisco. He is a good man, and a Union Alum, and he would be a credit to the New York Delegation, even as a Republican.

The scary part is, the RNC and NRCC do not really understand this district (which is going to be gerrymandered away in a year anyway) and yet, they are trying to run this campaign...sort of like running a war in Asia from Washington, which the GOP would never...oh...wait...they did?



  1. ...a good man, and a Union Alum...

    Correlation does not imply causation.

  2. A) He is a good man.

    B) He is a Union Alum, which establishes his local roots, unlike that carpetbagger Murphy.

    I was not implying a linkage between being a good man and a Union man.

    As a Union man who is not a good man, I am living proof that there is no linkage.


Be nice. Sign your name.