Sunday, March 8, 2009

What a difference a day makes.

Yesterday, a viral cousin treated me much like Ike treated Tina. What
does love have to do with it, cousin?

I spent the day sucking on Edy's Lemonade fruit pops and reading
(First The Diamond Age and then the first half of A Confederacy of
Dunces) and some television...BSG (which really didn't drive the
narrative forward), 30 Rock (which is becoming too damn 'zany') and
Hell's Kitchen.

I slept fitfully with horrible dreams, but woke up feeling a lot better.

So far this morning, I have futzed around my house, upgraded my
desktop to a more recent version of the OS (and in the process, I
munged the soundcard) and I may, at some point, drag my contagious ass
to the gym.

There is no point to this, aside from the sincere belief that I am not dying :-)

Hours since I last broke the promise regarding smoking, 12. I can
display remarkable will power on occasion.

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