Wednesday, September 2, 2009

Five Things

Five Things That I Should Be Embarrassed By But...I Am Not

  1. More often than not, I will find myself in the morning snuggling with a pillow.
  2. I sing (loudly and off key) in the shower.  Mostly Radiohead, the Smiths, and Sinead.
  3. I have an iTunes playlist called "Happy" that is full of songs that make me feel sad.  This is named such in case anyone looks at my playlists and is not shocked by seeing something called "Old Sad Bastard Music".
  4. I do not believe in any Creator but on occassion, I will pray for the health and well being of loved ones and their loved ones.  I feel hypocritical doing this, but, if there is a chance that I am wrong, come on, G*d, you got an atheist/Bright to acknowledge Your existence and ask Your Intervention.
  5. I have a very specific order to how I check the various places on the internet when I wake up, and I have set up my iPhone to mimic it if I am awake yet I do not want to get out of bed.  When I am in a place that has little to no connectivity, I have a small panic reaction and I am irratable.

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