Tuesday, September 1, 2009

Media Blackout

I realized something wonderful today.

It has been a year since I last saw a commercial for either deodorant of shaving cream.

Nor have a seen a commercial for weight loss programs or acne medication.

I have (in a bar with golf on) been exposed to erectile dysfunction medication as well as hair replacement therapy (talk about targeted advertising) which I am okay with because those commercials are incredibly creepy in a way that I can laugh about.

Akin to the idea of a school teacher from Baltimore as a new White House Correspondent...so absurd as to be straining credulity.

Sorry, back to the point...

Aside from being reminded that I cannot maintain an erection and that I am bald (which, come on, I know these things), I have not been reminded about how I stink, how my shave isn't close enough for "her", how fat I am, nor how awful my skin is.

I like the idea of not having a television.  This makes me feel better about myself.

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