Friday, November 13, 2009

The Road

A couple of weeks ago, I let my father have a copy of Cormac McCarthy's The Road. (BTW, this is the second or third copy that I have loaned out, and I assume that this may be the only one that has been read. *cough*)

I explained that the book was a post apocalyptic nightmare world where and unnamed father and son travel down the east coast, trying to keep the fire of civilization alive, while fending off cannibals, rape gangs, and the dregs of society that have survived (physically, if not emotionally, intact) and it it ultimately about a father's love for his son.

I mentioned that there was a film shortly coming out and it has to be realistic as it was filmed in Pittsburgh and that is as close as you can come to the end of times as possible...

I knew that there had been problems last year with the first screenings...the film was too dark and unclear in the message that it was sending, et cetera...too which I responded, "It is a movie about the end of the world with cannibals and rape gangs, how are you going to make it light?"

Then I saw the new trailer...

The Road Trailer (YouTube)

Please watch before continuing to read...I'll wait...

Okay...what did you think?

Yeah...did you have a "Field of Dreams" moment? Did really minor characters who only had one or two lines in the novel end up having their names above the title?

Does this look like it may be a feel good movie?!?


I am being completely serious when I say that I was bawling for the last twenty pages of the novel because there is hope, but it is about huge sacrifices made out of love, and surviving for as long as you could for your child (which is a feeling that most people [one would hope] and all parents should have)...

But to make it Braveheart in Pittsburgh???


I was so looking forward to this and now I may just wait for the DVD.

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