Sunday, January 10, 2010


It was nice to know that I was missed in NYC last night, courtesy of a wonderful picture from the Notorious LUX.

While my travelling schedule was limited, I did head down to my livingroom to meet up with my housemate for a little bit before she headed off to a party and watched the Jets take down the Bengals. (FTR, Doug, I am not jumping on a bandwagon, as my brother and father are both huge Jets fans.) Maybe during the game I started the J-E-T-S Jets! Jets! Jets! chant as well as the O-H-I-Blow chant...maybe...

While I was there, I ran into some friends, who had another friend with them and the strangest thing happened...

She called me gorgeous.

The last time a woman called me gorgeous without having an ulterior motive was when I was 16. That was 19 years ago. order to temper this, I went home and watched "The Ice Storm"...because anything nice needs to be tempered with ennui.

Anyway, this morning, while walking the dog, I made several mistakes.

A) While I had gloves, I did not wear them.

B) I touched the wrought iron gate with my bare hand.

Why is this stupid?

Because it is 9 F outside right now.

Curly had icicles coming off his muzzle.

Today is going to be spent working on a cover letter for a job that I do really want, catching up on some reading and, yes, doing some chores.

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