So, I am no longer following Lessig.
First of all, I don't need a movie to tell me that everyone born after let's say...1980...(including one of my siblings) are all suffering from some sort of learning disability.
Secondly, I do not really care about the fate of inner city public schools.
Thirdly, the world needs ditch diggers too.
A decade ago, I ranted about charter schools. Fifteen years ago, I complained about inner city schools. You all thought I was either crazy or misguided. the end of the summer, you are going to be talking about what a sin that education has been underfunded for two generations and how the economics of charter schools hurts communities...and I am going to laugh in your faces. Oh, and...if someone talks to be about how the Teachers' Unions are *good* things and not part of the problem, I am probably going to cut you out of my life.
(BTW, Good job Lessig, sending a bunch of your followers to a site that requires Adobe Flash! Way not to be a hypocrite supporting the open web.)
Official Site for Waiting for Superman
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