Tuesday, June 7, 2011

What you should be listening to...

You need to be listening to Start the Week from the BBC. (Podcast Page)(iTunes)

"Start The Week sets the cultural agenda for the week ahead, with high-profile guests discussing the ideas behind their work in the fields of art, literature, film, science, history, society and politics."

Doesn't that sound like the best time ever? Listening to it is wonderful.

Why is this coming up today? Well, there was a long conversation this weekend past about friendships and relationships and the ability of your partner to interact with your friends. Here is my worthless two cents about this: We all love our friends, and I am talking about my concept of friendship...YMMV, and we think they are wonderful and interesting people. At least I do. All of my friends are outstanding and amazing people and that is something that I love about them. Frankly, if they were not so outstanding, they would be unwilling to put up with me (see Twitter from yesterday when I referred to myself as a human herpes sore.) The thing is, you cannot expect your partner to love your friends like you do, and vice-versa. Oh, and their friends are rarely going to be as interesting and outstanding as yours.

So, why go through this above when talking about a podcast?

Because...they brilliant and amazing people are the type of people that I want to have beers with. These people on Start the Week are everyone's brilliant and outstanding friends and they are talking about things they are experts at.

Amazing, and worth the listen.

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