Thursday, July 28, 2011

Important Stuff

Things are important to me, or at least they were, and I have found a need to get by with fewer and fewer actual objects. For instance, I left the house yesterday without my phone. It was both terrifying and liberating. As I am writing this, it is in the other room, with the ringer off. I am okay with that.

There are some things, though, that I believe a person needs to be a functioning member of society...

I could list them out, but that would be unnecessary because we all have these lists, the rules that we have that govern our friendships and relationships, and the things that we try to impart if we are lucky* enough to have children.

I have been thinking about some of my "important things" and wondering if there were callow, and I suppose that some of them are**, but everyone has some callow things on their list.

It is better to have callow things on your list than not to have a list at all, or even worse, not having an agenda to put your list into action.

Do you have things? Do you have a plan for implementing said things?

*Yes, I used lucky. I know some of my readers do not want children for several reasons. I respect that and understand that.

**On my list, if you do not have a grand appreciation for Annie Hall, you are just...wrong in some fundamental way.


  1. Oh, Annie Hall is the best. I will probably find myself watching it for the 100th (?) time this weekend - ever since you were watching it the other day, I have felt the need to get my Annie Hall on. It's on my list too, which I think you know.

  2. "I hope to become the balding virile type, you know, as opposed to, say, the distinguished gray, unless I'm neither of those two. Unless I'm one of those guys with saliva dribbling out of his mouth who wanders into a cafeteria with a shopping bag screaming about socialism."

  3. I do not like Annie Hall. Are we still allowed to be friends?

  4. I know that you do not, and I do not hold it against you. I think you just need to spend more time around a particular breed of neurotic New Yorkers.


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