Tuesday, October 4, 2011

Mamma Say Mamma Saw Moo Maw Coo Sah?

During baseball the other night, "Wanna Be Startin' Somethin'" was playing on the PA during the game.

I, naturally, started singing along.

Then, with the bewildered look of HJ77, I played it. (Yes, I have Thriller on my phone. Don't you? What's wrong with you?)

She claims that she has never heard this.

Given that she may have had a bit of a sheltered upbringing, I can (sort of) understand.

But...never having heard this great song?


So, for HJ77, I provide this video:

Isn't it great?


  1. I think I decided that I had heard the song before. I think I said that I hadn't heard it when you were singing it before you played it. I enjoyed the song and your singing. Thank you :)

  2. Oh, HJ77, you said that you had never heard it after I played it...


    It is okay to admit that you have gaps when it comes to pop culture. It makes you a better person.

  3. Oh, don't worry. I am perfectly happy to admit that I have large gaps when it comes to pop culture knowledge! I'm glad you appreciate my gaps... or at least find them amusing. :)


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