Wednesday, October 5, 2011

Uninformed Opinions of No Particular Merit

Over the past couple of days, I have been trying to understand what #OccupyWallStreet is all about. One of the issues with understanding what this movement is about is that the movement is different things to different people. Good for them, I guess, especially since this is proof positive that the left does not do things well. The right and the Tea Party folks have, at the very least, message control. Ezra Klein's post from yesterday helped me understand why he is taking this seriously, but I still do not know why I should take them fully seriously. This statement, from Klein, is the closest I have to a reason for supporting the movement, "It’s not that 99 percent of Americans are really struggling. It’s not that 99 percent of Americans want a revolution. It’s that 99 percent of Americans sense that the fundamental bargain of our economy -- work hard, play by the rules, get ahead -- has been broken, and they want to see it restored."

Does anyone seriously think that Herman Cain is a serious candidate for PotUS? There is the 9-9-9 tax plan, which some people love, but is probably extra-constitutional. Then there is the whole thing relating to the length of bills, which makes for great sound bites, but would be a piss poor policy implementation. Cain would probably be better for the country than Michelle Bachmann, but...when people start telling me that they are fully supporting Cain, I know that I can write them off as either loons or political idiots.

Good Hair's family had a camp that had an awful name. Is anyone surprised?

Oh, the Big Bad Jobs's dead. Again, I ask, is anyone surprised?

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