Monday, February 13, 2012

Five Things To Make Your Day Better

Yes, the Grammy's were last night and from what I read, there was much love for Chris Brown and Adele (I made a joke earlier that I am not going to repeat, but my place in Hell is called "Awesomeness".)

I read through the list of winners, and aside from Bon Iver, I am shaking my head.

Anyway, here are five things to make your day better.

1) The Drums - Money

I really like this song. It makes me happy.

2) - Just remember that being alone on Valentine's Day is no different than any other day of your life

3) A wonderful piece by DFW regarding Authority and American Usage.

4)The Downton Abbey Anachronism Watch

5) The Single Woman's Guide to Dating from 1938.

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