Tuesday, February 7, 2012

Not to be a richard but...

• Pointing out that a number of the commercials during the Super Bowl™ were heterocenterist or patriarchal does not make you an observant media consumer or someone who speaks "truth to power". It makes you a scold and more easily allows me to dismiss you. Bonus points if you are quoting Mother Jones or Utne while making your argument.

• Doctor > Downton

• Pats Nation has taken the Super Bowl™ loss well for the most part and I applaud them for that but some of you need to stop.

• I am over James Franco.

• Pitchers & catchers in less than two weeks. The Mets could play .500 ball this year and still finish fifth.

• It is Tuesday, which means Manic Pixie Dream Girl tonight...

• I really like RunKeeper as an app the iPhone for measuring distance and mph.

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