Wednesday, February 8, 2012


• Three states were covered in a Santorum explosion last night. Mitt and Newt were not surprised by this. They have experienced Santorum before. For Ron Paul supporters, this was their first taste of Santorum, and they did not like it.

• Rachel Maddow wearing Eli Manning's #10 jersey as the result of a lost bet was wonderful. I love Rachel and forgive her the foible of rooting for the Patriots. Maybe this will cause her to change affiliation. (Yes, pun intended.)

• Re: "New Girl" Two things: 1) I now know that Schmidt and I wear the same boxers. 2) (after seeing a pistol) Jess: "Oh my god! It's like The Wire."

• Concerned about the "War on Contraception"? Easy answer. Choose sterilization. Despise family planning? Don't have a family.

• I reread "The Big Short" last weekend and I am embarrassed about how little I understood about these financial instruments. I am only placated by the fact that the people who were supposed to understand them failed to realize their implications.

• I burned my tongue last night. It makes not eating easier. If it was something tasty, it would have been worth it...sadly. It was not.

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