Sunday, September 30, 2012

Notes on The Angel Take Manhattan

Notes on The Angel Take Manhattan  9/30/12

The cold open was one of the first times that I was genuinely frightened by Doctor Who since "Blink". (But the Statue of Liberty?!?)
Image via McKern via Reddit.
The use of Sting's "Englishman in New York" is brilliant.
Amy Pond in glasses is so very...great.
"I always rip out the last page of a book, so it doesn't have to end. I hate endings."
As one of my friends texted me, "River Song has gone from being one of the baddest motherf***ers in the universe to being a nerf ball." Melody Malone is a not great name.
The timey-wimey stuff then panning to Rory's gravestone? Not great filmmaking/television.
How does Rory get to 1938? Should I start thinking hard about Doctor Who and logic at this point?
The Weeping Angels are screaming for others?!? Is it being tortured? The cherubs are creepy but not in a way that is scary. More like a kiss on the lips from an older relative.
River Song being pardoned takes away some of the pathos of the character.
The rage of the Doctor, and by Matt Smith, is wonderful.
"When one is in love with an ageless god who insists on the face of a twelve year old, one must hide the damage."
"Nothing is gained by you being a sentimental idiot."
We have seen old Rory, and old Amy, before...better than this.
"I'm sorry, Rory, but you've just died."
Maybe the Machines in the Matrix understood something of the Weeping Angel technology, right?
The chase scene seemed almost comically silly.
No, Rory, do not kill yourself! Not the plastic centurion. Not the man who waited. Asking your spouse to help kill you, to save the city and the timeline, is...tough to watch.
"to save you, I could do anything."
the Ponds, hand in hand, falling off a building, made me cry...real tears.
Oh, the grave stone...oh, the Doctor never gets lucky...
The idea of love in this show is more than occasionally irksome.
"don't travel alone" is great advice for everyone.
Amy's afterword left me feeling...meh.
This may have been the episode where Matt Smith surpasses David Tennant in terms of...owning the character. The anger, the obvious tears, the fear, and the hope...DT was wonderful, do not get me wrong, but I have been a Matt Smith fan and this cemented it.

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