On that topic, I am delighted that "Elementary" (the other Sherlock Holmes series set in the now) has made the choice to film in New York. Basing the series in the city lends a certain gravitas that is needed when dealing with updating such an iconic character. However, "The Mindy Project" is also set in New York, but...it looks like the back lot that HIMYM is using, just with a little more traffic. I really like the show, but why couldn't Mindy have been a young OB/GYN in Los Angeles? Why make her a young woman in NYC trying to find herself? Isn't that why we have Lena Dunham?

2) Twice now someone has borrowed tech of mine because they forgot their and twice now they have complained about how it worked. Once was over the summer when a friend borrowed my iPad and headphones (because she forgot her iPod and we were in the position of having to kill a couple of hours) and then was irked that the headphones were not noise canceling enough. The second was yesterday when a friend borrowed my Nook to quickly check their email and complained, loudly, about how the browser did not work properly. This was after refusing the use of my iPad. I am lovingly overprotective of my tech, and...I am always grateful when someone goes put of their way to let me use theirs, especially when I am in a jam, but...this may have changed my mind about loaning tech to people that are friends.

3) Most of us are armchair pundits when it comes to politics. I appreciate every opinion when it comes to things like presidential politics. That being said, the point of a debate is for two people to make statements and refute them. If one person says something that is a lie, it is up to the other combatant to refute it. By that understanding of the nature of a debate, WMR won last night in Denver. For those of you who are supporting BHO saying that "But Mitt lied, therefore he lost", that is not how debates work. Your guy, who does happen to be my guy, was unable to get his point across while refuting the lying lies of the other guy. Loss.
4) Yeah, I watched part of the Hulk Hogan sex tape. What do you think about it?

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