Monday, January 5, 2009

Asking you to steal...

What’s on Jim Tedisco’s iPod? - New York Politics Capitol Confidential - Albany Times Union -

"The Assembly Minority Leader is reaching out to Gen Y with a new YouTube video and Web site assailing Gov. Paterson’s proposal for the extension of the current 8 percent sales tax to all downloaded products."

Stop The iTax!

Here is my major problem with this...

Apple developed the iTunes Store to help drive the sale of iPods...people still can add music to their iPod without the iTunes Store (or even without iTunes as most of you know). Apple has threatened to pull out of countries rather than face government interference.

Therefore...iTunes would just close their shop to New Yorkers.


Now, moms and dads are still going to buy their kids iPods. They are the market leader and a remarkable piece of consumer technology. Sure, some people may switch to the Zune. Some may go to other platforms...but they are all the no where near the market share of Apple...combined.

So what are Johnnie and Janie going to do. Well, they will rip their own CDs.

And then...

Off to the Pirate Bay.

Which means that the income tax on the royalty payments that these artists should be receiving.

Seriously easy for kids to go to µTorrent and soon gigs upon gigs will be illegally streaming to their computers...

And the only people who will lose out are the artists, and...well the children...

Whom Gov. Paterson will have turned into thieves.

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