Thursday, January 8, 2009

What Would James Bond Do?

MI5: Internet phone services a risk to national security:

"Internet telephone services pose a serious threat to Britain's security, the head of MI5 has said.

The danger with online calls, said spy chief Jonathan Evans, was that they do not result in telephone bills, which are key evidence documents in prosecutions. This meant it would be much easier for terrorists to make the calls and eventually escape prosecution if they are tried for criminal offences."

No, seriously...The UK's plan to stop and catch terrorists revolves bills?!?

Somehow, I really doubt it...



  1. Come on, it's understandable that the evidence of call logs help a lot in a number of cases. So I could see how this can be a big blow to government security.

  2. Oh, I grok...

    But to imply that Skype is for terrorists because it doesn't leave a "phone bill" is ludicrous.

  3. Well Skype is for terrorists... and cheaters and people looking to take advantage of others! jk


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