Tuesday, January 6, 2009

Blago Wins

Senate secretary turns away Burris - Capitol Hill- msnbc.com:

"The secretary of the Senate on Tuesday turned Roland Burris away from taking the seat vacated by President-elect Barack Obama."

Sen. Reid, sir, you are a moron.

What you created is a photo op that looks wonderfully similar to the attempted integration of schools some 60 some years ago and...reminded people that rich white men with spurious agendas still control the Senate.

Well done, you!

I am sure that Sen. Byrd's hood would fit you quite well.

And...I am sure that you will remind people how well the LDS Church (of which you are a proud member) has handled race relations over their history.

What you are doing smacks of racism...even when it probably isn't.

However, what you are doing is illegal (at worst) and extra-constitutional.

You are a fool.

1 comment:

  1. It looks like Nate has reviewed actual data on this issue and has spoken.

    Naturally, he makes the point that I made last week: the Ill. Dems. should get back on the special election train and all of this will go away.


Be nice. Sign your name.