Thursday, April 23, 2009

Great response to a troll

Five reasons Miss NY kicks Miss California's a** - Vox:

"Well, Ken, actually I do know what is going on in the world. And, if you took the time to read my blog, you'd see that I don't really think Paterson is a good Governor. I think he is a terrible leader.

But, I also know a civil rights issue when I see one. And I don't need an (almost) beauty queen to be my standard-bearer.

Oh, and unlike you I actually know where the shift and space keys are and I can use basic punctuation. I also have a sense of humor, which you clearly are incapable of picking up on.

But I'll forgive you. After all, your too busy being the only one who knows that 'Obama is gay' and 'Wikipedia is a socialist manifesto'. Good for you."

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