Monday, April 20, 2009

A noun, a verb, and SSM.

Rudy Emboldened by His 'Traditional' Definition of Marriage - Gothamist: New York City News, Food, Arts & Events:

"Rudy said he thinks Paterson's gay marriage push is just a way to solidify a Democratic base, but will alienate him from most New Yorkers. He said, 'I think he's worried and, given his [low polling] numbers, it wouldn't be normal if he wasn't worried about a primary challenge from, I guess, Cuomo. But somebody else could also come out of anywhere with numbers like that.'"

America's Mayor is an idiot and as FAU points out, he is wrong on the supposition that most New Yorkers will be alienated.

He was a fascist, and now it is an idiot and a fascist.


  1. I'm confused, aren't "most New Yorkers" and "the Democratic base" the same thing?

  2. By the numbers, yes, you are once again smarter than Rudy.


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